repeat instructions

repeat instructions (also called loops) are used to execute a block of code a specific number of times.


repeat for each instruction

The repeat for each instruction is used to iterate over an iterable object, such as a list, map, iterator etc.

Here is an example of iterating over a list:

const list = [ "a", "b", "c" ]

repeat for each string in list
    write_line ( string )



If you prefer the functional style of iterating, you can convert a list to a stream and use the stream’s for_each function with a closure:

const list = [ "a", "b", "c" ] ( { string ->
    write_line ( string )
} )

When iterating over a map, you can iterate only the keys, only the values, or the keys and values, as shown below:

const map = [ "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 ]

// iterate over keys
repeat for each key k in map
    write_line ( k )

// iterate over values
repeat for each value v in map
    write_line ( v.to_string )

// iterate over keys and values
repeat for each k, v in map
    write_line ( """{{k}}: {{v.to_string}}""" )


a: 1
b: 2
c: 3

repeat while instruction

The repeat while instruction is used to re-execute a block of code as long as a given condition is fulfilled.


// remove trailing digits from string

variable string = "abc123"

repeat while string.last.is_digit and string.size >= 1
    string = string.remove_last

assert string =v "abc"

repeat times instruction

Used to execute a block of code a predefined number of times.


repeat 3 times
    write_line ( "Hello" )



repeat from to instruction

Used to loop with an integer variable whose value is incremented or decremented at each iteration.


// display even numbers from 2 to 6

repeat from i = 2 to 6 step 2
    write ( i.to_string )



repeat forever instruction

repeat forever is used to continuously re-execute a block of code until the loop is explicitly cancelled with the exit repeat instruction.


// check for a new message once a second
// exit if message is "end"

repeat forever

    const message = get_new_message_in_inbox

    if message =v "end" then
        exit repeat

    write_line ( message )

    se_wait.wait_seconds ( 1L )

exit repeat instruction

The exit repeat instruction is used to exit any kind of loop, as shown in the previous source code example.

When exit repeat is encountered, execution continues at the first instruction after the repeat block. If there is no instruction after the 'repeat' block then the current function simply returns.

Note: exit repeat in PPL is similar to the break statement in C# and Java.

next repeat instruction

The next repeat instruction is used to stop the current iteration, and immediately start with the next iteration.

Note: next repeat in PPL is similar to the continue statement in C# and Java.


// count the number of digits contained in a string

const string = "ab123"
variable num_digits = 0

repeat for each character in string
    if not character.is_digit then
        next repeat
    num_digits = num_digits + 1

assert num_digits =v 3

Note: An easier way to achieve the same result is to use a stream:

const string = "ab123"
const num_digits = ( { char => char.is_digit } ).count
assert num_digits =v 3L

Predefined Constants

There are three predefined labeled values which you can optionally use within each repeat instruction:

  • is_first: a yes_no (boolean) value set to yes during the loop’s first iteration.

  • is_last: a yes_no value set to yes during the loop’s last iteration.

  • counter: an integer value (of type pos_64) set to the number of times the loop has been iterated. During the first iteration the value is 1. It is then incremented by 1 in each subsequent iteration.

For each value to be used, a constant identifier must be defined for the corresponding label with the syntax label:constant_id, as shown in the following example:

const list = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]

repeat for each string in list counter:index is_first:first_iteration is_last:last_iteration
    if first_iteration then
        write ( "first element" )
    else if last_iteration
        write ( "last element" )
        write ( "element at index " & index.to_string )

    write_line ( ": " & string )


first element: a
element at index 2: b
element at index 3: c
last element: d

results matching ""

    No results matching ""